Sight Alignment


Back Alignment










Sight Alignment


Why do kids naturally sit on the floor to watch TV? 

Because, of the great line of sight.  Ordinary chairs are higher, so people often slouch, scrunch their necks, or do other uncomfortable things, in an effort to get a better line of sight.



+ Back Alignment

With the naturalounge you can view television or work on a laptop computer at eye level, and do so in a supported, reclined position. 





Ergonomic Advantages

In addition to the improved line of sight, the naturalounge has other ergonomic advantages –

The backrest is shaped to enable the upper back to be positioned for activity, while the lower back is positioned for comfort.  The slight angle in the middle of the backrest corresponds to the natural thoracic curve.  


C:\Users\Jimo\Pictures\2008-11-28 sandy natural lounge\sandy natural lounge 028.JPG         C:\Users\Jimo\Pictures\2008-11-28 sandy natural lounge\sandy natural lounge 030.JPG       C:\Users\Jimo\Pictures\2008-11-28 sandy natural lounge\sandy natural lounge 023.JPG 

The naturaloungefootrest stowes on the seat, and the backrest can be in an upright or reclined position.

The trunk to thigh angle is relatively open, and the angle is flexible for mobility.

The naturalounge features the patented eslenLumbar Support System: 




                      Ordinary Cushion                         eslen Cushion        eslen support is soft behind the spine.





C:\Users\Jimo\Pictures\2008-11-28 sandy natural lounge\sandy natural lounge 108.JPG                            C:\Users\Jimo\Documents\Sandy\Naturalounge_photos1108\DSCF2474.JPG 

The naturaloungewith the loungeoffice™.          The  loungeoffice™.              



  Adjustment mechanism.                             The favorite chair.    



   Chicago, IL  60607

U.S. Patent No.s:   5,425,567, 5,474,362  5,655,812  5,825,095  6,083,435 and 6,155,647.  Additional patents are pending.

Copyright © 2009 J. H. Reid Corp.